Friday, October 11, 2013

TJ Day

In my post today, I want to brag on TJ. He is such a sweet boy, not only is he sweet but he has the softest heart and is so loving. He has made the transition to motherhood so much easier on me with his loving words, his gratefulness, and his comedy. Did I mention he is super funny? The boy keeps me laughing all the time. Here are some TJ moments I never want to forget:

-Before he goes to sleep at night, we likes us to listen to his heart and he loves to listen to ours.
-He is ALWAYS telling me that he LOVES my heart.
-The other day we were talking, and he told me that it snowed at his old house and he had squirrels. I said yes, but now you live here in California and we don't have a lot of squirrels and we have to go to the mountains to see snow. He says yes, I like California the best. I say, how come? He replies, because I have you here!
-My ABSOLUTE favorite moment with TJ was when I was putting him to bed one night, and he was telling me about some things that have happened to him when he was younger, and it was very sad. I told him how sorry I am that those things happened to him, and I wish I could have been there to stop them, but they will not happen anymore now that he is with us and he is safe. He looked up at me and said, mom, can I keep you forever?? That was the moment my heart totally fell for this little boy. I said yes, forever and ever and ever.
-When he was playing basketball, he got hit in the head with the ball and since then, he has been covering his head after he shoots. He says, mom, Im" duckeling" from the ball because I don't want to get hit in the head haha. We have been working with him on not hiding from the ball and he finally did it. He said, mom dad will me so proud of me that I didn't duckel!!!
-He has to hug everyone and he talks to anyone about pretty much everything, he is sooo social and friendly and people are drawn to him.
-He mixes up his words and phrases when he talks which I LOVE. He used to always say, are you lying at me?? He also used to always say, I promise about everything. He would tell me, mom, can you help me with this?? If I couldn't at the moment he would tell me, but I promise!!! Not sure what he was promising, but he sure said it! lol.
-He LOVES to cuddle with me, and he hates when anyone kisses him except for me. I LOVE that!
-When I take him to school, he tells me I am not allowed to go anywhere or do anything until after I pick him up so he doesn't miss out lol.
-He is always the first to say thank you, and he says it for everything! Thank you for making my dinner, thank you for cuddling with me, thank you for playing with me.
-When we went to the hospital to see my sister after she had Jude, he went right over to her and said, how is your tummy feeling Kim Kim?? Did you cry when the doctor took the baby out??? She said yes and he rubbed her leg! He is just so sweet and loves to make sure everyone is ok!
-He tells me all the time that he prayed for me when he was at his foster moms house and he cried for me. I know he met me once since we flew out there to meet him, so maybe he is talking about after he met me. I remember being in Kansas when we were leaving them to go home, and he asked me if he could go home with me and it hurt like crazy to have to leave him. He got attached to me quickly, so I'm sure it was hard on him too. I'm sure it was just God's way of preparing us for each other!

TJ has not had an easy life, and I know that he has not received a lot of love and attention, and I am SOO thankful that I get to be the one to change that for him, to gain his trust, and to show him unconditional motherly love. He is such a blessing in my life, and he is more than I could have ever imaged in a son. I cant believe he is going to be 6 in a couple weeks. My mom reminded me that last year at this time, I was working on getting the kids here, and I was hoping he would be here by his birthday. It didn't happen, but this year we get to celebrate with him! God is going to do great things with this sweet boy!
Dancing in the rain!


LOVES the Swings!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Angie. This is just beautiful. What a blessing for everyone.
